When you are in a Wildlife Management Area the State of Texas requires you to have a permit.
Depending on your activity, this can be an Annual Hunting Permit ($48 as of July, 2010) or a Limited Public Use Permit ($12 as of July, 2010).
For more information:Â https://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/huntwild/hunt/public/
When you are in a Wildlife Management Area in Louisiana yuou are required to have a permit.
Many (such as Sabine WMA) have facilities for a Self-Clearing Permit:
- Check in at Information Station
- fill out the CHECK-IN form and
- put it in the permit box BEFORE doing anything in the area.
- Carry the CHECK-OUT portion with you and
- put in a permit box when exiting the area.
- These are good for 72 hours.
Persons using a WMA for ANY PURPOSE other than hunting hust have one of:
- a valid Louisiana WILD stamp
- a valid LA Fishing license
- a valid LA Hunting license.
For more information:Â https://www.wlf.louisiana.gov/experience/wmas/regulations/