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TodayFeb 17, 2025
Toledo Bend
Clear conditions throughout the day.

Toro Bayou

Tack-A-Paw Expeditions

Danny Rowzee started Tack-A-Paw Expeditions in 1985 and has been helping many outdoor enthusiasts enjoy the natural beauty of Toro Bayou and the Sabine River ever since. His trips offer certified instructors and are suitable for all ages, though, of course, individual should also know their own limits when choosing an expedition.

Tack-A-Paw Expedition’s homebase is Toledo Bend Trophy Sales in Leesville, LA. Our seasonal outpost is located on Toro Bayou, 22 miles from Leesville and 2 miles from Toledo Bend Dam. Tack-a-Paw services over 90 miles of rivers and streams in Louisiana as well as the southern end of Toledo Bend Reservoir offering a variety of float trips ranging from 2 hours to several days of canoe camping tips geared for beginners, intermediate campers, and experts out for a great adventure.

Canoe enthusiasts will find a variety of float trips ranging from an hour and a half to several days of canoe camping trips geared for beginners, intermediate canoers, and experts out for a good time.

Let the adventure begin as you glide down beautiful Toro Bayou with its white sand beaches, tall pine trees, rock ledges and clean swift water. Toro Bayou is 22 miles from Leesville, LA and 2 miles from Toledo Bend Dam.

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries has graded the Toro as one of the best streams in Louisiana for its clean water, natural beauty and wilderness characteristics. The Toro offers an abundance of petrified wood, good fishing, swimming, rock gardens, wildlife and botanical beauty.

Tack-A-Paw Expeditions
P. O. Box 1565
Leesville, La 71446
Ph (337) 286-9337
Ph (800) 256-9337

email: tack_a_paw@bellsouth.net

A trip down the Sabine River offers an abundance of sandy beaches, good fishing, swimming, and botanical beauty. There are no public camps on this stretch of the Sabine. Due to the extreme isolation of the Sabine River trips are required to have a minimum of two canoes for safety reasons.

For Sabine River flow information call the Sabine River Authority at (337) 286-5244. For the Generating Schedule for Toledo Bend Dam call 24 hours to (337) 286-5253. For information on the Toro or Kisatchie Bayous please request a brochure.

General Comments: Tick-a-Paw services 50.3 miles of the Sabine River and has divided this stretch of the river into 4 choices to help service you. The basic canoe rental price is the same for any section. However the additional shuttle charges vary according to the road miles from the Tack-a-Paw Outpost.

The Sabine below Toledo Bend Reservoir to Bon Wier is considered one of the most scenic trips in the state and you should allow approximately four days if you intend to float the full 50.3 miles. Except for a few downed trees, stumps and a Class I + Rapid, there are few hazards. Due to the width, distance between access points, and extreme isolation you should prepare for the elements (little shade, wind, insects, etc.) in planning for your trip. Any section you choose will take all day so start early. The land on both sides of the river is mostly privately owned. If you venture outside of the river banks make sure you have permission from the land owner. Abundant and beautiful white sand bars offer numerous natural campsites. However, be aware that the river can rise quickly when the power plant is generating electricity so check the high water marks when you plan to camp.

Photo credits: Frank Dutton – Toledo-Bend.Com /and/ Lakecaster photos courtesy EdSnyder

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