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TodayFeb 17, 2025
Toledo Bend
Clear conditions throughout the day.

Third Weekend in May

Friday 10 AM – 11 PM
Saturday 8 AM – Closing
Sunday 11 AM – Closing

Early on, logs were hauled by teams as shown above – the “commissary” shown was built 1900 and an addition added in 1914

Sawmill Days, held the third weekend in May, “tells it like it was” in Fisher at the turn of the last century during the early days of lumbering in Louisiana. It recaptures the flavor of life in a sawmill village with a wide variety of events. Featured are an old fashioned jamboree of country, western, bluegrass, and gospel music, a flea market, folk arts and crafts, horse and wagon rides, square dancing, food, horse shoe pitching, fiddlin’, and numerous other games and contests with prizes.

Sawmill Days is a homecoming for former residents of Fisher as well as former residents of new extinct sawmill towns. It is also the annual reunion of alumni from Fisher High School, which closed in 1946. Reminiscing spans the years as some have seen oxen and mules give way to tractors and today’s skidders. and the cross cut saw relinquish the stage to chain saws and hydraulic shearing machines. They’ve also heard the rhythemic pulsing of the shotgun log carriage and awakened, gone to work and returned home at the command of the mill whistle.

Fisher Sawmill Days was first held in 1976, the bicentennial year – 2003 marks the 28th year of the festival. Seeing Fisher is a delight to those who appreciate a turn-of-the-century village. Fisher Sawmill Days hosts the World Championship Southern Pine Wood Derby Races. This growing event sparks the interest of both children and adults.

For further information, contact:

Old Mill Store
Mrs. Anderson (318) 590-1212
Miss mary (318) 256-2001

Schedule Information

Friday: Flea Market, Antiques, Collectibles, Crafts & Food Concessions in the park and Square 11:00 AM; Cake Walk in the square 6:00 PM; Sawmill Days Pageant In the Opera House 7:00 PM; Street Dance in the Square 8:00 PM

Saturday: Parade Down Main Street 9:00 AM; Grand Marshals Tim Lyddy and John S. Pickett, Jr. ; Opening Ceremonies in the Square 10:00 AM; Invocation by Reverend Richard Lehr; Flag Ceremony / Explorer troop of Fort Jessup, Boy Scouts of America; Master of Ceremonies, Judge Elizabeth Pickett; Introduction of Dignitaries and Guests; Guest Speaker: Judge Stephen B. Beasley; Reception following in the Village Hall; Covered Wagon Rides Intermittently; Live Music by C.J Michaels throughout the Day; Flea Market, Crafts 9:00 AM; Mud Truck Judging in the square; Native American Dancers; Sack Races (Trophies Awarded) Weather Permitting; Womanless Pageant in the Opera Houses 1:00 PM; Watermelon Eating Contest (Trophy for the winner) Weather Permitting; Marshal Arts Demo by Ronald Carter; Live Music by the Toledo Benders in the Opera House 6:00 PM

Sunday: Church Services in the church in the Square 11:00 AM; Gospel Singing in the Opera House 1.00 PM

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