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TodaySep 10, 2024
Toledo Bend
Partly cloudy throughout the day with rain.

The visitors Center was completed and opened to visitors July 21, 2005.
Below you will see pictures of the interior “museum” as it was completed on July 20, 2005.


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To view 3D Panoramas of the interior – CLICK HERE
A large wall mural depicts a day on the lake and the birds and scenery around it. An interactive board displays various animals and allows visitors to answer questions about them.
The “water” diorama (left) explores the fish and animals, spillway and dam, and recreation and habitat aspects of the lake area.
Another diorama (below) explores some of the history of Sabine Parish as well as the importance conservation and preservation of the environment.
The “animals” diorama (below) has an interactive feature allowing you to see various birds matched with their songs. Another side of the triangular diorama explores reptiles, amphibians and mammals of the area and has an interactive feature where you can “get in touch” with nature. The third side presents a tree with stuffed animals (black and fox squirrels, owl, fox) and other artifacts such as deer antlers.
The “habitats” diorama (below) explores the effects of alien invasive species on this area, the differing ecosystems and habitat communities surrounding Toledo Bend Reservoir. An interactive “food chain” wheel explores the various predators and prey of the area.
“Fish-eye” interior views of the Visitors Center
A top border running the length of the Visitors Center (pictured in segments) displays many pictures of flowers, fungi, and insects.
Most of the photography used for the various displays is by Frank Dutton and available for viewing (along with hundreds of other area nature shots) at Toledo-Bend.US – the Webmaster’s Toledo-Bend Gallery
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