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TodayFeb 17, 2025
Toledo Bend
Clear conditions throughout the day.

Cities of Hemphill and Pineland

Many utility services for residences and businesses located within the corporate city limits of Hemphill and Pineland are provided by the cities. Services provided by both cities include garbage collection, natural gas service, sewer service, and water service. In Hemphill, electrical service is also provided by the city.

Inquiries regarding city utilities may be directed to the appropriate city halls, as follows:

Hemphill, 210 Starr St, (409) 787-2251

Pineland, Dogwood Street, (409) 584-2541

Electrical service in the City of Pineland is provided by the Deep East Texas Electric Cooperative. Their office is located on East Highway 21 in San Augustine and may be phoned at (409) 275-2314 or toll free at 1-800-392-5986.

Electrical Supply

With the exception of the City of Hemphill, Sabine County’s residences and businesses receive their electrical power from the Deep East Texas Electric Cooperative. This is a member owned system based in San Augustine and provides electrical service to several counties in the East Texas area.

Deep East Texas Electric Cooperative’s office is located on East Highway 21 in San Augustine. Their telephone numbers are (409) 275-2314 or toll free 1-800-392-5986.

Water Supply

The major part of Sabine County is served by city and community water supply systems.

The cities of Hemphill and Pineland provide water service to areas within their cities and some nearby outlying areas.

Most rural parts of Sabine County are serviced by G-M Water Supply Corporation, with offices in Hemphill. For information regarding G-M Water Supply, persons may visit their office on Highway 87 or contact them by phone at (409) 787-2755.

Brookeland Water Supply services many residents and businesses in the Brookeland area near the Sabine/Jasper County line. Brookeland Water Supply’s office is at 4161 Highway 255 West, Sam Rayburn, TX 75951 and may be reached at (409) 698-2914.

Fairmount and areas in the southern portions of Sabine County are serviced by the South Sabine Water Supply System. This system’s office may be contacted at (409) 5794185.

Parts of Fairmount are also supplied by Beechwood Water Supply with offices on FM 3315.

Garbage collection

Garbage collection services are provided by the cities of Hemphill and Pineland for customers within their limits, however, several contractors are available for residences and businesses.

Contractors licensed to operate in the countty:

  • Don’s General Services, operated by Don Tate, (409) 584-2131
  • Clifford Gray, (409) 579-3257

Sabine County Tax Office

The Sabine County Tax Assessor/Collector operates two offices-one in the county courthouse annex at the comer of Texas and Market Streets in Hemphill and in the West Sabine ISD Administration Building on FM 83/Timberland Hwy. in Pineland. The Tax Offices provide an array of services such as collection of property tax; voter registration; vehicle registration and titles; boat registration and titles. The tax offices may be phoned at (409) 787-2251 or (409) 584-3909.

Driver’s License

Texas driver’s licenses are issued by Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS). DPS representatives visit Sabine County’s courthouse annex on the first, third, and fifth Fridays of each month for driver’s license services.
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